About Us

Electrical Project Company is one of the Kuwait's leading company in manufacturing of Low to High Voltage Distribution Equipment’s- Switchboards, Distribution Boards, Motor Control Centers and Feeder Pillars. We started our business operation of assembling the switchboards in the year 1980 and then we started creating history in the industry. At present, it is more than 30 years we have been serving in the market. We are now capable to serve diversified industries like power generation, construction and transmission and distribution etc. At Electrical Projects Company, we have a team of expertise and research and development who give their best in delivering the best quality products to the customers.

Our Purpose As a growing electrical equipment manufacturer, we continuously gives emphasis on delivering of premium quality products to the customers at the competitive and unmatched price. We make our products as per the demand of the market and requirements or our customers. We give due importance to develop strong loyalty among customers towards our products in order to achieve continuous growth in the competitive market.

Our Mission

As a growing Electrical products manufacturer, we given considerable significance to the delivery of quality products at afforable prices. Our services are available as per the demand of our respected clients. We give due importance to be in touch with every client in order to have productive improvements on our business strategies. Also we have a creative mission of absorbing the client suggestions to foster the efficiency and friendliness of our company. Frequent market researches and complaint analysis conducted by our team helps us to incorporate more quality and safety into our products.

About Us

The Company is one of the Kuwait's leading manufacturers of Low to High Voltage Distribution Equipments, i.e., Switchboards, Distribution Boards, Motor Control Centers, Feeder Pillars, etc.


  • Implementation for new products designs have started , Our expertise are Woking on to Introduce an advanced design bringing new innovations

  • Initiated accounts in Social Media Networks (Facebook, Twitter and instagam)

  • Steps taken to implement ISO 9001:2008

Contact Us

  • Electrical Projects Company
    Block 9 Street 91, Building 139
    Sabhan Industrial Area
  • 00965 24750933
  • info@epckw.com
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